infect: [14] Latin inficere originally meant ‘put in’ – it was a compound verb formed from the prefix in- and facere ‘put, do’ (source of English fact, fashion, etc). Its earliest specialized extension was ‘dip in’, which was applied specifically to the dipping of cloth into dye. From this it moved on to ‘stain’, and then it was a short step to ‘taint, spoil’. ‘Affect with disease’ was a post-Latin development. English acquired the word via the Latin past participial stem infect-. => fact, factory, fashion, perfect
infect (v.)
late 14c., from Latin infectus, past participle of inficere "to spoil, stain," literally "to put in to, dip into," from in- "in" (see in- (2)) + facere "to make, do, perform" (see factitious). Related: Infected; infecting.
1. He thought they might infect others with their bourgeois ideas.
2. The birds infect the milk.
3. It is not possible to infect another person through kissing.
4. Go away, I don't want to infect you with my cold.
躲开, 我不愿意把感冒传染给你.
5. I didn't pay any attention to it because I never infect.