- Every evening at sunset the flag was lowered.
- 每天傍晚日落时都要降旗。
- a spectacular sunset
- 绚烂的晚霞
- There is a five-year sunset on the new tax.
- 新税种的有效施行期限为五年。
- sunset yellow
- 日落黄
- This is his sunset tour after fifty years as a singer.
- 这是他五十年歌手生涯结束前最后一次巡回演出。
- a two-year sunset clause in the new law
- 新法律中的一条实施期限为两年的“落日条款”
- The tax relief will sunset after a year.
- 税款减免将在一年后废止。
- The dance ends at sunset.
- 舞会在日落时分结束。
- There was a red sunset over Paris.
- 巴黎的天空映着红色的晚霞。
- Appropriately, he had photographed a flock of starlings against the backdrop of a serene sunset.
- 正巧, 他以安宁的日落为背景,拍下成群结队的欧椋鸟.
- The changing vivid colours of the sunset fascinated the eye.
- 日落时变化多端的色彩使人看得入迷.
- Rosy morning clouds indicate rain, and a rosy sunset means fine weather.
- 早霞主雨, 晚霞主晴.
- The sunset glow tinted the sky red.
- 晚霞染红了天空.
- The sunset rivals the sunrise in beauty.
- 日落可与日出媲美.
- A bright moving object appeared in the sky at sunset.
- 日落西山时,天空出现了一个移动的发亮物体.
- Sunset glorified the valley.
- 夕阳使山谷更加秀丽.
- The sunset rivalled the sunrise in beauty.
- 日落与日出的景色一样美.
- We fade in the closing music as the hero rides off into the sunset.
- 随着主角朝着落日骑马而去,我们渐渐加大结尾音乐的音量.
- Dusk falls after sunset.
- 暮色昏沉.
- The sunset glow is just like a picture.
- 晚霞恰如一幅图画.
- He drew a word picture of a South Pacific sunset.
- 他对南太平洋上的日落作了生动逼真的描写.
- It's almost sunset, but it's still so hot.
- 太阳已经平西了, 还这么热.
- They'll work on till sunset.
- 他们将继续工作,直到日落.
- They stopped work at sunset.
- 他们日落时收工.
- The changing vivid colours of the sunset are really fascinating.
- 日落时变化多端的色彩确实使人心醉神迷.
- The sunset was a very beautiful sight.
- 那落日真是一幅美景.
- The beauty of a sunset is ineffable.
- 日落的美是难以形容的.
- They remained in the room for a long time. It was nearly sunset when they left.
- 他们在屋里停了很长时间, 直到太阳落山才走.
- The author tried to depict the splendor of the sunset.
- 作家试图摹写落日的光彩.